Wrinkles and Skin Treatment

- The epidermis is the outermost area of ​​the skin. It is composed of cells made more resistant by the presence of keratin.
- The dermis is the inner layer of the skin. In it there are the sweat glands, the hair bulbs and the nerve endings, while at its base is the adipose panniculus, formed essentially of fat, which takes the name of hypodermis (or subcutaneous tissue).
- The hypodermis, of mesenchymal derivation, is made up of rounded cells full of lipids (especially triglycerides), called adipocytes, surrounded by a dense network of arterial and venous vessels.
The thickness of the subcutaneous is variable; acts as an insulator, lipid reserve, shock absorber and promotes skin mobility with respect to deeper structures.
- The connective tissue has the function of connecting and nourishing the various organs.
- Collagen fibers are essential as a constituent of the dermis and are of fundamental importance for the elasticity of the tissues. They appear as long white fibers that branch out in various directions. 70% of our epidermis is made up of collagen.
- Elastin forms, together with collagen, the skin support network and helps prevent wrinkles and stretch marks as it allows the tissues to return to their original shape

Skin aging is a physiological process, linked to age and genetic heritage, which can also be favored by other factors, which are part of daily life:
- incorrect nutrition
- alcohol
- tobacco
- a stressed lifestyle
- pollution
- action of UV rays
- poor protection from high and low temperatures.
As the skin ages, it becomes thinner and more fragile, due to the fact that cell regeneration becomes slower and goes from normal 3-4 weeks to 4 or even 6 weeks.
If the amount of collagen present in the skin decreases, the inevitable consequences are a relaxed, sagging, inelastic and wrinkled skin.

Radiofrequency is a non-ablative skin rejuvenation technique, developed in the United States, which has recently become established in Europe.
Unlike laser treatments and dermabrasion which physically remove superficial tissues, radiofrequency exerts a powerful skin rejuvenation action by directly stimulating the subcutaneous collagen in a non-invasive and non-traumatic way.
Radiofrequency, unlike the laser technique which acts at 80 degrees, does not generate scarring and produces its effects at a temperature of 40-55 degrees.
RF treatments in aesthetics were initially used to counteract skin relaxation, for facial rejuvenation and to treat and reduce wrinkles; subsequently this method was used for the treatment of skin imperfections in other areas of the body with considerable success.

Radiofrequency is a treatment that, based on the emission of energy, is able to develop heat within the skin tissues that spreads deep from the skin surface to the dermis, to the adipose layers up to the limit of the muscle band.
The conductivity of the skin to RF can be increased by using a conductive gel rich in Hyaluronic Acid and Retinol on the skin which are micronized and transported into the skin to facilitate treatment.
The heat produced inside the skin tissue produces a modification of the collagen fibers which contract and undergo a process of denaturation and reorganization that produces a greater concentration of the fibers themselves.
The heat also increases blood circulation within the treated area by stimulating the metabolism of fibroblasts and the production of new collagen and elastin.
These processes increase the texture of the dermis while the surface of the skin returns tight and compact.
Radiofrequency is therefore an effective, fast and very interesting remodeling system for plastic surgery: the "lifting" effect of the skin of the face and body lasts for months after the radiofrequency treatment and maximum results are achieved after 4-6 months.
The action of RF on the sebaceous glands extends the indication of treatment to acne as well.

The treatment protocols provide for a single treatment with a single step or with multiple steps depending on the areas to be treated, and takes from 30 to 45 minutes per session.
RF causes a sensation of heat, generally not very annoying, depending on the parts treated.
After the treatment, a slight redness may appear, without consequences, which disappears within a very short time: the treated person can safely resume his normal activities.

Wrinkle treatment
Face and neck rejuvenation
Skin laxity of the body and face
Treatment of stretch marks
Post-lifting maintenance treatments
Acne treatment in the active phase
Treatment of post acne scars